CCP Educational Listening Tour One
CCP Educational Listening Tour One
CCP Educational Listening Tour One 2014
Cumberland County Progressives Educational Listening Tour
To increase the clarity and quality of education at the local and state level:
Special Thanks To Our Moderator:Sylvia Adamczyk
Special Thanks To Our Panel Participants:
Rep. Marvin W. Lucas, N.C. House of Representatives
Rep. Rick Glazier, N.C. House of Representatives
Joe Sorce, President of CC Association of Educators
Carrie Sutton
Tiara Mcfarley
Romain Stanley

CCP Educational Listening Tour TWO
CCP Educational Listening Tour TWO
CCP Educational Listening Tour TWO 2015
Special Thanks To Our Moderator: Romain Stanley
Special Thanks To Our Panel Participants:
Rep. Rick Glazier, N.C. House of Representatives
Monique Jackson, Democracy North Carolina
Renada Lewis, NC Teacher
Carmela McKeller, Democratic Women
Joe Sorce, President of CC Association of Educators